Saturday, January 10, 2009

KGB - Just Hired!

*Note: I did not continue past training, I found the training to be too long and intensive for the amount of pay they were offering (.10cents a question), but it still may be a good opportunity for others!
I just passed the test and was hired by KGB this afternoon! KBG is not the Russian Soviet Intelligence but rather the Knowledge Generation Bureau. Like ChaCha, you send a text question to KGBKGB (542542) and receive an answer in minutes.

Visit the KGB website to take the test to see if you have what it takes to be a Knowledge Generation Bureau Special Agent! Let me warn you, it took MANY attempts for me to pass the hiring test, there are a lot of tough questions in there (like Math questions!). Once I complete the training and start making some money I will report back with what I think.

Check out one of KGB's commercials

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